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Founded May 2023

Inner Listening, Co-Creating with Nature, and Love in Action 
in North-East Scotland since 1962

What's Happening

The Findhorn Foundation Trust (FF)  is winding down and transferring the bulk of its property at the Park to residents via a community "buy-in".

For the first time in our history, we the community, will be democratically holding the majority of the Park, including building a new Community Centre, owning the Universal Hall, and hosting spiritual and ecological education, while stewarding the Park sustainably, for the benefit of all. This new model gives us the chance to regenerate on all levels.

To  stay in touch, or get involved,

please sign up to our community's newsletter below:

Ways to Connect


a Member

Please join us! We welcome new members from anywhere on the planet! We would love your input and support.

the Park

We are raising £2.5 million to buy The Park, rebuild the Community Centre, and restore the Hall. To contribute, donate below!

Meeting Minutes

Members can find minutes from EF's board; plus important documents, maps, presentations and meeting recordings here.  Password restricted.

"Hero" image © to Mark Richards; remaining images © to Hugo Klipp (excluding team pics) - all provided free of charge, thank you!

Website design thanks to

Sebastian Franke and Jake Jay-Lewin.

Gateway Office

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn,

Forres, Morayshire Scotland IV36 3TZ

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