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Restoring Community

Our community, like many others around the world, was badly impacted by Brexit, covid, and the energy crisis.


On top of this, our community centre and sanctuary (our meditation hall) were burnt down. 


It is more than three years since the fires and one year since the Foundation paused operations, before stopping altogether in November 2023. 

This has been devastating to our local community 
and economy, with the loss of 97% (145) of the jobs

the Foundation provided, as well as the £5 million a

year of positive economic impact we formerly had across the region.

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It is time to get the community back on its feet, bringing our magic back to the world!


The community believes it is best placed to drive that. EF, with its elected leaders and 360 (and counting) community members, is very much part of that renewal.


Action so far has included (for the first time ever)

all resident community members being invited into leadership nomination and selection (140 nominations made) followed by a democratic election. Now we’re focused on community visioning - leading to a community plan.

Our first full community election was in November 2023. 70% of the eligible voters turned out and a diverse board of six was appointed by the community.


If you’re curious, check out our Team page.

Drawing on the best of our spiritual traditions, our connection to the land here, and from the professional, financial, environmental, community transformational, and creative skills in our resident members and wider community (you!)  - we aim to be in service to the world through the exciting projects listed below.

Our Projects

"Hero" image © to Mark Richards; remaining images © to Hugo Klipp (excluding team pics) - all provided free of charge, thank you!

Website design thanks to

Sebastian Franke and Jake Jay-Lewin.

Gateway Office

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn,

Forres, Morayshire Scotland IV36 3TZ

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