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​As Eileen would say when it came to talking about millions - "why not?" - we would love for you to feel included in our grand project as a society member, as we rebuild what was once known as the "Planetary Village".

Ecovillage Findhorn CBS (EF) was setup to enable the community buyout of The Park Ecovillage, for which we are raising £1.15 Million and have £400,000 already pledged as philanthropic loans.

The aim is to renew the community on all levels.

One aspect of the renewal is to create spiritual and nature aligned, deep democratic governance over the Park, by those who live here (including many ex-Findhorn Foundation co-workers, leaders, former trustees and members), with a voice for those who don't, so all can play their part.

We are set up as a member run organisation with two membership tiers that enable engagement and/or decision-making for residents and non-residents - from those in the local area to community diaspora and friends, all over the world.

We are focused on preserving the interfaith spiritual culture, practices and lineage the community was founded on; returning to being leading edge in terms of ecological settlements and demonstrating a resilient future; regenerating the economy in ways that support planet and people  as well as local financial sustainability ; bringing young people and young families back so we can continue to thrive and have leadership succession and vibrancy for the future; and, last but not least, supporting the Findhorn Foundation (FF) as it dramatically reduces its size, allowing it to concentrate on its global education mission in a way that works financially.

Specific tasks in the short and medium term are: raising the £1.15 Million, bringing guests back to the Park, building the new Community Centre, repairing the Living Machine and the Universal Hall, and stewarding and cherishing our grounds and guest buildings, so that our community can continue to function well. If these sound close to your heart please donate here.

Your support as a non-resident "contributor" member will help us continue our impact and service, building on the last sixty years and taking our impact into the next sixty, focused (as always) on creating a better  and more loving world, for the benefit of all beings. Select your relevant sign-up form below.

"Hero" image © to Mark Richards; remaining images © to Hugo Klipp (excluding team pics) - all provided free of charge, thank you!

Website design thanks to

Sebastian Franke and Jake Jay-Lewin.

Gateway Office

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn,

Forres, Morayshire Scotland IV36 3TZ

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